Upcoming events.

Single Quarters - Photo Walk
Our second networking and photo walk is coming up!
It’s free and open to the public. Come by, grab a beer or a coffee, chat and of course, take some photos.
We’ll meet at Joes Beerhouse at 17:00 and head to Single Quarters together at 17:45.
If you’ve got any questions, send us an email: gramps.space@gmail.com

Photo Walk - July 2023
Join us at Shema Coffeeshop for this month’s photo walk in Windhoek. We will start with a coffee meet and greet, after which we will depart to theGreen Market/ Bio-Markt to shoot some candid market photos of the people and the mornings activities. See you there!
Send us an email if you have any questions: gramps.space@gmail.com
Subscribe To Join
Subscribe to our newsletter to have access to monthly photowalks, and to purchase film stock and other products.